Case Details
Butch by DWT
Cluster Seizures


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Comments: Sorry but having problems posting this. If this is already posted, sorry. Butch is a year old Weime, male intact. Started having cluster seizures very early in life. Conventional workup normal and dx epilepsy. He is over-active and hyper, obsessive/compulsive with ball, food, etc. Barks incessantly at anything. Damp hair coat. Tongue- dark-pink, clear coat, lavender hue. Pulse- superficial, bounding. Prefers cool. Started doing AP and sent home Tian Ma Gou. No improvement after 8 weeks so added Chia Hu Jia Long Gu in hopes of settling down his behavior but no improvement. Seizures appear to be getting worse

    Owner said the seizures started shortly after his last puppy shots. He acts like a dog with hepatic encephalopathy. Stares into space, looks spacey when you look at him. Owner admits that his behavior is not right.

    Wondering about your thoughts regarding herbs (TCVM patterns), any homeopathic remedies that might help if this was triggered by vaccines and any natural chelation techniques you might suggest. Thanks for your help.
  • Final Status:

Treatment and Outcome