Case Details
Bentley by Dreudog
Polycythemia Vera


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: no change as of day 580 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 273

Notes:  PCV is 59% TP 6.9g/dl on Mod. XFZYT and Wu ling san. Last phlebotomy was1/10/18 (PCV 74% ) and was off Mod. XFZYT, staring Yi guan jian, per me . Returned to M XFZYT and added WLS, numbers have remained stable.

Day 349

Notes:  Pulse remains a bit thin, tongue sl. lavendar. PCV has remained stable (60's and now 50's) since resuming Mod. XFZYT in January 2018.

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Day 525

Notes:  PCV/TP has remained stable (on 1-9 was 54% and TP 5.7 g/dl. Rest of CBC/Profile normal Bentley takes Mod. XFZYT 1.25 tsp. BID and WLS .50 tsp. BID. No phlebotomy since 1/18/18.

Diet is largely raw

Day 580

Notes:  Polycythemia vera is stable 13 months on Mod. Xue fu zhu yu tang + Wu ling san. T: pink, sl, moist. P: middle, toned, normal. Occ. reflux. Labs normal 1-19-19.

Diet is largely raw