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Collapsing Greyhounds
I just wanted to follow up on a question I put to you about the Greyhounds
that collapse or have this "thumping" condition post race.
Just to remind you, I think there are a couple of syndromes going on, but
the mild form is a muscle fluttering behind the last rib, the dogs dont
appear too distressed and I am not sure it dramatically affects their
performance but does always cause concern for trainers. The more severe
condition is where the dogs get wobbly often collapse and in rare
instances there have been deaths.
Generally the dogs have a dark blue to purple tongue post race so I
attribute this to a blood stagnation/deficiency. I guess in conventional
terms it is just oxygen debt.
I think the mild flutter is possibly a Qi stagnation, and with the
location I was considering a TB blockage and/or Liver Qi Stagnation. I
think most greyhounds have a wiry pulse, they are usually superficial and
strong, I have always thought they are wiry but if you put enough pressure
on them there is a fremitus. (deficiency??)
I was considering with these Xiao Chai Hu Tang or possibly either XFZYT or
SFZYT?? to move Qi and blood. However I found a formula called Wu Ge Kuan
Zhong San ( 5 diaphragms relaxing the centre powder). It has Bai Dou Kou,
Chen Pi, Ding Xiang, Huo Po, Mu Xiang, Qing Pi, Sha Ren, Sheng Jiang,
Xiang Fu and Zhi Gan Cao. Now I am slowly starting to get more knowledge
of the herbs there seem to be a lot of Qi movers in this and was
interested in your comments as to suitability for this condition or if you
have any other suggestions. Prehaps also adding Chai Hu assuming there may
be some Liver Qi stagnation also?

I would greatly appreciate your input.
by naturevet
March 1, 2009
When there is an element of collapse, combined with Qi stagnation, Xiao Chai
Hu Tang is always my first thought. If you find 'active' GB points on these
dogs, then it's the first thing to try.
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