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Sebaceous Adenitis Rabbit
by veerled - April 9, 2017
I have been asked to treat a rabbit with sebaceous adenitis. It has a long-standing history of flare-ups and they found recurrent courses of antibiotics help. The bunny is 7 y old. She has recently had pneumonia which again was treated with ab and responded, no nasal discharge, no eye discharge just very bad skin all over dorsum and sides of legs with hair loss. The owner has used rehmania powder and thinks it helped before contacting me. I was planning to try astragalus granulate and add San Ren Tang. There has never been appetite loss nor ileus and anaesthetic recovery after biopsy was uneventful. Any help would be great but I want to play it super safe because this is an oldie.

Thank you

I am struggling to find how to post case/ question and how to update cases. But keen to get again more active on here.
by naturevet
April 10, 2017
Hi Veerle,

I'd try Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, given the:
- success of Rehmannia
- occasional pneumonia
- dorso-lateral lesion distribution
- need for safety
While supporting pulmonary decongestion and active resolution of skin inflammation, the formula is also supportive of normal liver blood flow and kidney perfusion.

I'd give it a try first

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