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Degenerative Myelopathy In A Dog
by doctorlaura50 - August 27, 2017    View Case Report
Hi Steve,

Ginger was just diagnosed with a Staph pseudointermedius methicillin resistant UTI. She has been started on nitrofurantoin. I have not seen her since the diagnosis so I don't have an update on tongue, pulse, active points. I am concerned about the possible development of GI signs due to the nitrofurantoin and the possible inability of her to continue physical therapy (due to infection control worries by the rehab center).

I saw her 2 weeks ago: tongue-pale pink, moist, thin. Pulse-felt mid-depth to deep & difficult to compress. Head & body warm, distal limbs cool. BL19 & BL 22 active. She is unable to move her pelvic limbs, but still can wag her tail. The owners were quite happy with how she was doing. She is taking XHLD (with added Yu Jin) 3/4 tsp BID & CHZGJT, 1 tsp BID.

Would it be appropriate to add Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang at this point or wait to see if she has GI signs? I am very concerned that her condition may deteriorate quickly if she can't do her twice weekly physical therapy. Any other suggestions?

It has been 21 months since the onset of symptoms - the rehab facility is amazed (& so am I) at how well she is doing.


by naturevet
September 5, 2017
Hi Laura,

I have totally used BZYQT in these dogs for continence and immune concerns. There should be no problem with it. I'm glad the owners and your colleagues are pleased with how she's doing!

Here's to continued success

by doctorlaura50
September 5, 2017
by doctorlaura50
December 17, 2017
Hi Steve,

Update on Ginger. We are just over 2 years since the onset of symptoms and Ginger still has use of her front legs although we are beginning to notice some weakness and there is diminished muscle mass. She is ambulatory in the front & can walk in her cart or when she is assisted with a sling. She still has physical therapy twice a week.

Her tongue is pale pink, moist, thin. Pulse-felt mid-depth to deep & difficult to compress. Head & body warm, and the distal limbs were warm, but not as warm as the head & body. BL19 & BL 22 active. She is taking XHLD (with added Yu Jin) 3/4 tsp BID & CHZGJT, 1 tsp BID. She is on antibiotics (pulse therapy) because of a history of chronic UTI's. The clients did not want to add in BZYQT when I last contacted you because Ginger was going so well. Should I change any of the herbal formulas or continue as we are.

Thanks for all of your help with this case. Ginger has done amazing.

by doctorlaura50
February 17, 2018
Hi Steve,

Ginger was euthanized on 1/30/18, 26 months after her symptoms started. She was starting to get weak in her front limbs and her urinary tract infection became uncontrollable. She has a good quality of life for those 26 months. Thanks for all of your help on this case.

by naturevet
February 20, 2018
Thank you, Laura, for sharing Ginger with us. Sorry I couldn't help you help her for longer

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