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Urinary Incontinence In A Dog
by pdragos - November 29, 2017    View Case Report
Pia is a 12 year old SF dachshund who has a history of back surgery for IVDD and persistent bacterial cystitis with urine retention, dribbling and incontinence at rest. I saw her after her second episode of IVDD - nonsurgical. The ataxia and pain have improved/subsided with acupuncture. I put her on Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang. The cystitis resolved (along with antibiotics from the rDVM), but she is urinating larger amounts and the incontinence has worsened. On her last visit, her energy was slightly reduced (she normally has high energy), she had some constipation, her tongue was pink and swollen, her pulse was mid level, thin, and lacking tone, she had active points at BL15 and BL22. I put her on San Ren Tang when I first started seeing her, but it caused diarrhea, so the owners won't give it. I am wondering why Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang caused a worsening of the incontinence, and what herb would be more appropriate. Possibly Sang Piao Xiao San?? Thank you.
by naturevet
December 2, 2017
Hi Pamela,

My first guess would have been SRT, too. Any other cause for the diarrhea? It is the number one formula for abnormal micturition due to disc disease.

The incontinence patterns suggest a neurogenic cause to the incontinence. As to how SRT and SFZYT could both create adverse effects (in different areas), the only common link to them is that they are both relatively drying. If that is the issue, we would see signs of Yin or Blood deficiency, and the small pulse fits with that.

So, considering the breed (Dachshund), the chief complaint (IVDD), and the pulse, I would suggest Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang as the alternative. We've had rare cases of IBD and lymphangiectasia resolve on it, and it supports Kidney function to concentrate urine

Hope that helps,

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